Clean Energy Choice is an affordable, low-cost way for residential electric customers to support renewable energy. For only $3 a month, 100% of your electricity can be sourced from renewable energy. Alternatively, for $1 a month, 50% of your electricity can be sourced from renewable energy, or for $2 a month, 75% of your electricity can be sourced from renewable energy.

The Clean Energy Choice program described on this website is only available to residential customers. We also have a Clean Energy Choice for Business program for our commercial and industrial customers. Please contact your local utility for more information on Clean Energy Choice for Business.

Renewable energy is generated from resources powered by wind, solar, bioenergy, water, and more.

The renewable energy for the Clean Energy Choice comes from the Minnesota Municipal Power Agency’s renewable resources. MMPA also purchases renewable energy from other utilities. For more information on MMPA’s renewable energy resources, please visit http://www.mmpa.org/sustainable-energy/overview/

No – the subscription is a surcharge on your electric bill in monthly increments – there is no minimum term commitment for Clean Energy Choice. You can choose to unsubscribe at any time.

Every kilowatt-hour of renewable energy created is assigned a unique renewable energy certificate (REC) number to ensure that each unit of renewable energy is accurately tracked and only counted once. RECs are also known as “green certificates” or “renewable energy credits”. The State of Minnesota uses REC’s to track renewable energy generation and use.

An independent third party selected by the State of Minnesota tracks the creation and retirement of REC’s. Generation is metered to ensure the correct number of REC’s are allocated to each renewable generation facility.

RECs are retired (permanently set aside) for each Clean Energy Choice program participant. These RECs are over and above the amount retired to meet Minnesota’s renewable energy standard, which is currently at 25% of all electricity sales.

An advantage of the Clean Energy Choice program is that it provides choice in your source of electricity, no matter whether you own your home or rent.

Electricity flows along the path of least resistance through the transmission and distribution system. It is impossible to know where the electricity supplying your home or apartment was generated. By participating in Clean Energy Choice, renewable energy is being provided by MMPA equal to your home’s energy usage.

Providing your utility account number helps us verify that you are the customer requesting to sign up for Clean Energy Choice.